National Polio Register

Did you have polio?

The National Polio Register is an initiative by Polio Survivors Ireland, developed as a means of getting a clear picture of how many polio survivors are in Ireland, so that we can advocate for the future of all polio survivors.

polio register process graphic

Register to safeguard your future.

“We know there are 5,000 polio survivors estimated to live in Ireland, yet only 1,000 are members of our organisation. We’ve consulted with our members to see what the main concerns are for polio survivors as they continue to age. It is vital that they are not forgotten as a population and that statutory planning for medical care and social welfare benefits take into account their needs relating to polio.” - Fran Brennan, CEO.

Who should register?

All polio survivors living in Ireland are asked to register to help us to find out how many are still here. Many will develop Late Effects of Polio or Post-Polio Syndrome. We are here to help if that happens.

Why record the number of polio survivors?

For strength in numbers – a proper picture of how many polio survivors are in Ireland helps us to campaign for the supports needed now and in the future.

With more evidence of the need, we can advocate for improved and tailored services and supports for polio survivors. We can advise polio survivors about the services and supports available from the statutory services as well as from Polio Survivors Ireland.

Safeguard your future

We can ensure the needs of polio survivors are better understood, by educating medical professionals, social care providers and health policy makers, about the reality for all those still impacted by the legacy of polio.

By registering you are helping us to safeguard the future of all polio survivors, whether or not you are experiencing the Late Effects of Polio. With your help we can make sure that polio survivors have a stronger voice.

What you can do

• Click here to fill in the Polio Register Form.
• Inform other polio survivors.
• If you know someone who had polio tell them about the register.
• Medical & Social Care Professionals – please encourage your patients and clients to register.

For a copy of the Polio Register leaflet in Arabic, click the following link: Arabic Polio Register Leaflet.

Polio Survivors Ireland

To find out about supports and services we provide to polio survivors, or for information for health professionals regarding polio, please see our services page or call 01 889 89 20.

National Polio Register

The Polio Register will help Polio Survivors Ireland to increase awareness of all polio survivors and with future planning for campaigning and funding.

Polio Survivors Ireland has launched a National Polio Register, to create a clearer picture of the number of people who had polio. With more evidence of the need for tailored supports and services for polio survivors, we can advocate and campaign for what is needed now and in the future.

By registering, anyone who had polio, whether they require support now or not, can give a stronger voice to all polio survivors in Ireland.

Your information will be kept private and confidential. The information gathered is for statistical purposes only and will not be passed on to any third party without your permission.

To register, please fill in the online form here. For more information on the Polio Register and how your information will be used please email

Date of birth
Are you
Have you heard of us?
Are you aware of the Late Effects of Polio?
Have you any concerns relating to your polio?
Would you like us to contact you about your concerns?
Would you like to hear from us?(Required)