October 24, 2024

World Polio Day 2024

Polio Survivors Ireland staff, members and board at Leinster House with Senator Mary Seery-Kearney, John Dolan and Dr Deirdre Murray, to mark World Polio Day 2024.

Today is World Polio Day 2024. This was established over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. While there is no cure for polio, it is preventable through vaccination.

In Ireland, it is thought that 5,000 people live with long term impacts as a result of polio including severe pain, fatigue, cold intolerance and muscle weakness. As a result, polio survivors face ongoing financial burdens including the costs of aids and appliances such as stair lifts, calipers, bespoke footwear, electric scooters and wheelchairs, which enable them to maintain their independence and prevent falls.

To mark World Polio Day on Thursday 24th October, Polio Survivors Ireland is calling on the Government to address the eligibility levels for the Medical Card means testing process to reflect the Social Welfare payment increases in recent years.

Polio survivors who qualify for a Medical Card this year may lose it due to modest increases in their income. We are also calling on the government to address the discrepancy that results when polio survivors reach retirement age and are transferred from disability benefits to the State Pension, losing entitlement to cost of disability payments and effectively erasing their disability status.

Additionally, Polio Survivors Ireland is asking the Department of Health to immediately address the serious inadequacy of physiotherapy available in the community. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing polio, but it needs be tailored to the individual’s specific needs to minimise adverse effects or excessive fatigue.

Polio Survivors Ireland gave a presentation to members of the Oireachtas in the AV Room in Leinster House on the 23rd October. The panel consisted of Dr. Deirdre Murray, discussing the physiotherapy needs of polio survivors, Siobhan Banville, highlighting new research from the charity and member, Johnny O’Sullivan, a polio survivor, speaking on the challenges they face as they age.

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