We have moved

A reminder to our members and friends that we have moved office.
Polio Survivors Ireland is part of Carmichael Centre once again. This shared services centre, with two buildings located very closer to each other, is now known as Carmichael Ireland. One of the buildings, Carmichael House, was where our very first office was established. Now we are a resident group once again, although this time, we are in an office in Coleraine House, Coleraine Street.
Coleraine House is one of the two residences of Carmichael Ireland. The building is just off Church Street, not a million miles from our old home at Capel Building.
Coleraine House has two disabled parking spaces outside the door and additional spaces are located on North Brunswick Street in the Carmichael House carpark, as well as on Morning Star Avenue.
All of our staff are delighted to be settling into this new office, with a little more desk space. Our number stays the same, 01 889 8920. Post is being redirected to us, from Capel Building, but from now on you can send post to us at:
Polio Survivors Ireland
Coleraine House
Coleraine Street
Dublin 7