VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2022

Huge congratulations to members Lorraine Harte, Libby Hendrick, and Anne Burns for completing the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon on Sunday the 5th of June.
These ladies fundraised for Polio Survivors Ireland and we are very proud of their efforts. Taking part in this event is such a testament to their dedication to helping themselves and fellow polio survivors. Participation in events such as the VHI WMM helps increase awareness of polio and Polio Survivors Ireland, as well as raising vital funds.
Anne Burns described how she completed the event virtually, “I walked most days since May 26th and finished my virtual 10km on Sunday 5th June, the same day as the Big Dublin VHI Women’s Mini Marathon event, but luckily the rain stayed away here in Drogheda. I enjoyed my walks including through scenic Yellowbatter Glen, to the Termonfeckin Road, Ballymakenny Road and through town centre heritage spots including St. Mary’s Abbey and St. Laurence’s Barbican Gate.”
Congratulations once again to our members and to staff member Emma, who also took part on behalf of Polio Survivors Ireland. If anyone wishes to donate to these efforts, you can do so via iDonate here.