VHI WMM Update – Power of 10

The VHI Women’s Mini Marathon is taking place this week – here are some updates from our fantastic participants!
Pictured is Josie O’Reilly during her VhiWMM journey, at the Mansion House, with the statue ‘Cara’ meaning Friend in Irish.
This has been erected by the Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon for the 10 days that the marathon is on.
Josie has done amazingly well, with training and preparing and fundraising for this event.
We are very proud of her participation and all the efforts she has gone to! Josie can be sponsored on www.givengain.com
Huge congratulations to Joyce Henderson and Carol Kenny for completing their 10K Women’s Mini Marathon virtually, while raising funds for Polio Survivors Ireland.
The ladies passed the finish today and are thrilled with their efforts. Well done!