VHI Mini Marathon Cause of Week

We are thrilled to have our member, Lorraine Harte, featured on the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon website, as Cause of the Week – Lorraine explains why she has taken part in the Women’s Mini Marathon, what an achievement it was for her and why it means so much:
“Hi my name is Lorraine Harte and I am a member of Polio Survivors Ireland and I took part in the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon in 2017.
Taking part in the Women’s Mini Marathon a few years ago was a great achievement for me. Because of my mobility issues caused by polio, I wouldn’t be able to walk the whole distance, so I had never taken part before. A friend came up with a suggestion of using a wheelchair and my two friends pushed me; one did one half of the race and the other pushed me for the other half. We all got to do it for our own charity or cause, but they made taking part a possibility for me.
One of my biggest achievements was walking the last 20 minutes – it was lashing rain, we were soaked, but one of the best feelings ever was stepping over the line and receiving my medal.”
If you wish to take part you can register online here! If you or any of your family or friends would like to raise funds on our behalf, please contact Emma by emailing DO@ppsg.ie for a t-shirt & sponsorship card or call the office on 01 889 89 20.