September 15, 2022
Supporting The Wheel’s Pre-budget Submission

We are delighted to be part of the Wheel’s Pre-Budget Submission event being held today in Buswell’s Hotel, highlighting the call for the charity and community sector to be properly resourced in Budget 2023.
The recommendations for Budget 2023 focus on enabling organisations to continue to provide stable, much-needed services in the uncertain economic period ahead.
These recommendations include calls on government to:
- Increase funding for services and supports provided by community and voluntary organisations to enable them to address the recruitment and retention crisis in the sector
- Mainstream multi-annual funding and ensure adequate funding levels for services generally
- Support fundraising to recover post-COVID-19 through increasing tax and VAT measures to support charities
- Provide for the cost of compliance and streamline regulatory and funding-related compliance requirements
- Address the cost of insurance.
- Additional measures we are seeking in Budget 2023 include:
- Dedicating resources to deliver the three strategies for the community and voluntary sector, social enterprise, and volunteering
- Developing and resourcing a comprehensive skills-development strategy for the community and voluntary sector workforce from the National Training Fund.
The full submission can be read this link: click here.