November 05, 2020

Submissions invited to Join Committee on Disability Matters

joint commission

The Joint Committee on Disability Matters invites written submissions from interested groups or individuals to hear about the lived experience of people with disabilities on the issues that affect them and their families and/or carers. These submissions will assist the Committee in what they need to focus on in their role as a Committee and their future work.

As it is important to the Committee to involve people with disabilities in a more meaningful way in the development of policy and legislation, the Committee would like to hear from people on their lived experience and what they feel needs to be included in the Committees Terms of Reference.

Closing date

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 3pm on Monday, 9 November 2020.

How to send your submission

Please email an electronic document (searchable PDF or equivalent) to

Full information can be found here: Joint Disability Submission