New Strategic Plan
In 2022, we commenced the process of developing a new strategic plan. We sought quotations, conducted interviews, and carried out due diligence, appointing S3 Solutions as consultants to guide us through the process of drawing up our new Strategic Plan for the coming years. A survey of members was undertaken and analysed with further research via workshops to help identify the needs and priorities of polio survivors for the next number of years.
The proposed new strategic plan was presented to members at our Conference in June 2024.
The plan is now finalised and we are in the process of drawing up a programme of implementation. Read more below or view the PDF here.

Our Strategic Priorities 2024 - 2027
Strategic Priority 1 – Services & Supports
Polio survivors have benefitted from a range of effective services and supports empowering them to maintain their independence, reduce their social exclusion and enhance their quality of life.
Strategic Priority 2 – Communications & Promotion
Polio Survivors Ireland have educated and informed key internal and external stakeholders.
Strategic Priority 3 – Advocacy
Polio Survivors Ireland have advocated and campaigned effectively for improved statutory, medical care and social welfare services and entitlements.
Strategic Priority 4 – Organisation Growth & Development
Polio Survivors Ireland has grown and evolved sufficiently to achieve their 2024-29 Strategic Priorities.
Strategic Priority 5 – Sustainability
Polio Survivors Ireland is a sustainable organisation with the resources to deliver their 2024-29 Strategic Plan.