March 09, 2017

Report from the EGM

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New Constitution By Overwhelming Majority Vote


Shots of LiteratureOver 50 members attended the EGM that was held in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin on Thursday, 2 March.

In her opening remarks the Chairperson, Susan Dowling, spoke about the challenges that face the Organisation and how the Board are taking steps to address and respond to these challenges in line with good governance practices. Susan explained that this EGM had been called to seek approval from the membership for changes to our governing document now known as a Constitution. Some of these changes are required under the new Companies Act while others are at the request of the Revenue Commissioners and the Charity Regulator. She explained however that the Board are recommending other changes in relation to the election of Directors in order to make the Board more effective and inclusive and therefore better serve the Organisation.

The Chair confirmed that the new Constitution includes all these proposals and that outline approval for these changes has been sought and given by the regulatory authorities.

Following a discussion the special resolution to adopt the new constitution was then put to the meeting. When proxy votes received by post before the closing date were included, the result of the ballot was as follows:

In favour of the resolution: 222 votes

Against the resolution:            2 votes

Abstentions:                              6 votes

As the proportion of votes in favour of the resolution exceeded the requirement that 75% of all votes cast must be in favour of a resolution, the Chairperson declared the new constitution approved.

The Chair confirmed that this concluded the official business of the EGM and the meeting was closed.