Join Now
We encourage all polio survivors to join Polio Survivors Ireland, whether you need our help or not. Being a member ensures you are kept up to date with information and news relating to polio, you are counted in our campaigns for better supports for polio survivors and should you need it – help is at the end of the phone.
Our voluntary membership fee is €10 per year (this fee is optional) or you can become a life member for a once off payment of €50.
Members receive information, support and services, plus our Survivor magazine three times a year and our ezine (an email bulletin sent every month) as well as having voting rights at our AGM.
If you don’t wish to join online, call us and we can send you a form. Or to enquire further about joining, please email us or phone 01 889 8920.

How To Join
Becoming a member is easy!
Can family or friends join?
Sometimes non-polio survivors join Polio Survivors Ireland – either because they had or have a family member who was impacted by polio, or because they wish to volunteer their skills to support the organisation.
We welcome new members who can help us to provide services to polio survivors. For information on getting involved as a non-polio member, please contact
Medical professionals are also welcome to join and to learn more about polio and its impact on those who have had it.
Join Online Here
Please fill out the form before submitting a membership fee. If you do not send us the form, we may not be aware that you have joined and we won’t have your details on file to be able to assist you. If you have any difficulties with the form, please call us on 01 889 8920. You can return the form by post to: Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7.
Please complete this form to join as a member of Polio Survivors Ireland.
- Annual membership €10. Life membership is a one-off payment of €50.
- Pay online with credit or debit card.
- Or forward the fee to us by post to: Polio Survivors Ireland, Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7, D07 E8XF