Make Way Day 2020 – join in online
Make Way Day 2020 – National Day of Local Action
This year due to Covid-19 the campaign has moved online as a virtual Make Way Day.
This will be a virtual meeting where you can get involved with other disability and community groups in your county or city to work with the council to take action on access on Make Way Day.
To generate the greatest impact for this national occasion it is intended to hold the event on Make Way Day Friday, 25th September at 11.00am all over Ireland.
Details for your local coordinator are here. Contact them to find out what’s happening locally and how you can get involved.
Get ready to join in on Friday, September 25th.
Pictured is the late Joan Bradley, who supported this campaign without fail and was always willing to show the impact of obstacles left by the public, on wheelchair users like herself.
Take pictures of the obstacles you encounter (parked cars on footpaths, bikes chained to railings, sandwich boards and overhanging branches) and post your pictures to social media.
Include #MakeWayDay20, tag @MakeWayDay and @disabilityfed in your post and of course @poliosurvivorsireland
Details of meetings happening in your locality are below:
Donegal :
Galway City;
Galway County where Minister Anne Rabbitte TD will attend.
South Dublin County Council
And in Cork city register by email with Richard McCarthy, before Thursday the 24th of September at 3pm.
More local contact information on the Make Way Day web site map.