Living Well Programme
Would you like help in coping with the challenges of a long-term condition?
We recently featured a piece in the Survivor Magazine, on how the HSE Ireland’s Living Well Programme helped one of our members, Tony, in coping with a long-term condition.
There are a number of upcoming Living Well programmes around the country, in person and online.
What is it?
The Living Well Programme supports adults living with chronic health conditions and their carers to develop core Self-Management skills to optimise health outcomes and quality of life.
Who runs it?
It is delivered by trained Leaders, most of whom are living with a chronic health condition themselves.
Does it work?
It has a very strong evidence base internationally and in Ireland.
What does it cost?
The programme is free and is available online and in-person. Participants on the online programme are supported to access and use the virtual platform if needed.
Further information available at Living Well programme –