November 23, 2017
Keeping Well and Warm this winter

For many people the increasingly cold weather is an inconvenience, but for polio survivors it can bring additional difficulties. There are ways to keep well and warm and to be prepared for the time ahead.
Such as:
- Having at least one hot meal a day and a number of hot drinks.
- Wearing layers of light clothing rather than one big bulky item.
- Keeping active is usually another good tip but obviously not always possible.
If you have mobility issues, try moving your arms and legs and wriggling your toes and fingers while sitting.
There are a number of tips on the website or you can get a copy of the Well and Warm booklet from Sustainable Energy Ireland on 1850 376 666.
The HSE’s Well and Warm booklet contains advice,
information and support schemes to help you keep well and warm, read it at