Invest in Neurology Campaign – NAI

The Neurological Alliance of Ireland, together with eleven of its member organisations, has launched a campaign calling on the Government to prioritise investment in neurology services.
Decades of underinvestment have resulted in the lowest ratio of consultant neurologists per head of population in the developed world, Ireland should have one neurologist for every 72,000 people, this is exceeded in every hospital group and in the Mid West it is 1:200,000.
The “Invest in Neurology” campaign is calling on the Government to take immediate action to tackle unacceptable staffing deficits in neurology services across the country as well as longer term investment to develop specialist services for specific neurological conditions.
The Invest in Neurology campaign is calling for:
–Immediate investment to address critical deficits in neurology staffing, including neurologists, nurses and health and social care professionals to recommended levels -Targeted long term investment in neurology services to support implementation of the Neurology & Epilepsy Models of Care -Dedicated resources to support the development of clinical pathways for headache, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and rare and genetic neurological conditions.
Find out more about the campaign and how you can support it at