Ceol agus Craic at DCR Gig

There was no shortage of craic at the recent Dublin City Ramblers gig in aid of Polio Survivors Ireland, held in the Venue Theatre, Ratoath, Co. Meath, on Saturday 9th February.
The renowned ballad group, led by Sean McGuinness, played all their well-known hits from ‘Rare Aul Times’ to ‘The Ferryman’ to ‘Punch and Judy Man’, among many more. There was a lively response from the audience with plenty of banter, lots of stories as well as great music to keep everyone entertained. Some snippets from the show are below, followed by photos!
We very much appreciate all of the support from our members who were able to travel to attend this fundraising event in Ratoath. We ran a raffle on the night and the support from the audience was fantastic.
We would like to thank the Dublin City Ramblers, Sean, Pearse and Tommy for giving their time and effort to entertain us, as well as the Venue Theatre in Ratoath for their support – particularly Mary, Maurice, Annette and Lisa. Much appreciation to Ita and team in ‘As you Like it Cafe’ where many attendees started the evening.
Huge thanks and appreciation to those who donated raffle prizes, namely: Lilly’s Pharmacy Ratoath, Ratoath Eyecare, the Ratoath Musical Society, Tina Kavanagh, Helen Wright and of course to all who bought raffle tickets.
We are delighted to announce that we raised over €320 on the raffle and over €1,210 on the tickets. This is a wonderful outcome and will go directly to helping polio survivors who need it.