Altered Lives – NAI campaign for Brain Awareness Week

The Neurological Alliance of Ireland have launched a social media campaign, for National Brain Awareness Week, entitled #alteredlives, which aims to raise awareness of what it’s like to live with a neurological condition. Those who are affected are simply asked to share ONE WORD or ONE IMAGE that sums up what its like to live with a neurological condition using the hashtag #alteredlives
The aim of the campaign to raise awareness of the experience of living with a neurological condition. It asks social media followers to post ONE word or image that sums up what it’s like to live with a neurological condition using the hashtag #alteredlives.
National Brain Awareness Week is an international initiative that takes place worldwide in March each year. The purpose of Brain Awareness Week is to raise awareness of neurological conditions.
National Brain Awareness Week takes place from March 5th to 11th 2018.