
Volunteers are necessary to help us pack mail outs, make connections with local businesses, and to raise awareness of the needs of polio survivors. 

We need 130 volunteers to be able to provide services and supports to polio survivors – particularly as our membership and our volunteers are aging.

  • Perhaps you have an interest or skills or experience in a particular area and would like to help. For example you might be able to help one of our network of Support Groups around the country.
  • Or are you interested in getting involved in PR, Fundraising or Recruitment for the organisation? Find out more about joining our Networks.
  • If you feel you may have skills or experience required to serve on one of our Board Sub-Committees, or indeed the Board itself, we would be delighted to hear from you.
  • Maybe helping out in an office from time to time is something you wish to do.

You do not have to be a polio survivor to help us by giving us your time. We are looking for a new generation of volunteers who can help us reach out to a wider audience. 

There are lots of ways you can help us. In turn, we can help polio survivors, now and in the future as they age and need more support.