May 18, 2023

The National Disability Authority wants your feedback!

nda logo
The National Disability Authority (NDA) is seeking feedback on their draft Code of Practice for Accessible Public Buildings. .

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to guide public bodies on how to make their public buildings accessible to persons with disabilities. People with disabilities should be able to use buildings and places comfortably and safely, as far as possible without assistance.

Under Section 25 of the Disability Act, public bodies must ensure that their public buildings are accessible to persons with disabilities. The NDA is an independent statutory body that has the power to monitor public bodies on the implementation of this Code and to report and publish its findings.

They want to hear feedback from people with disabilities, their families and advocates, Disabled Persons Organisations (DPO’s), organisations who represent persons with disabilities, and all members of the public who have an interest in the accessibility of public buildings.

The public consultation will end at 5pm on 26th June 2023.

Click here: to read more about the Code

Click here: to fill in the online feedback form