February 14, 2018

Statement of support for Justice for Polio Survivors

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Press Statement

Polio Survivors Ireland supports protest by Justice for Polio Survivors at Rehab Group premises in Sandymount


For three and a half years, we have been in discussion with the Rehab Group around the provision of funding to support polio survivors. Unfortunately we have been unable to reach a long-term agreement. The Rehab Group has consistently refused to accept their responsibilities towards polio survivors, arising from their ownership of the Polio Fellowship of Ireland and its assets.

Over the past ten months, the Rehab Group has refused to respond to any of our communications in this regard. Our members are aware of this and have become increasingly frustrated at Rehab Group’s lack of response, or even an acknowledgement to our multiple emails and letters.

This frustration has led to the action that has taken place on Shrove Tuesday at the Rehab Group premises in Sandymount. Polio survivors took to the street to protest and highlight their anger at being ignored and abandoned by the Rehab Group and its subsidiary Polio Fellowship of Ireland.

Polio Survivors Ireland supports the Justice for Polio Survivors campaign. We will continue to act as a representative body for polio survivors in seeking a commitment from the Rehab Group to meet their responsibilities.

“This organisation was founded by polio survivors and is not going to abandon them,” says Fran Brennan, CEO, Polio Survivors Ireland. “This is their campaign but we will support them in any way we can.”



About Polio Survivors Ireland

It is estimated that as many as 7,000 people who had polio live in Ireland and are increasingly impacted by the late effects of polio as they age. Having been established in 1993 to support people who had polio, Polio Survivors Ireland (formerly known as the Post Polio Support Group) is currently the only organisation providing help, information, aids, appliances and therapies to those who have needs relating to polio, in order to help survivors live out their lives with dignity.

We work to raise awareness of the issues faced by polio survivors and to educate medical professionals, social care providers and health policy makers about the reality for all those still impacted by the legacy of polio.

For further information contact:

Emma Clarke Conway, Development Officer, DO@ppsg.ie or 087 2981944

Fran Brennan, CEO, ceo@ppsg.ie or 087 2600575

Polio Survivors Ireland, Unit 319, Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7. 01 8898920. www.polio.ie