June 22, 2021

Spam Calls Warning

dps scam warning

Gardaí are continuing to receive reports from the public of Spam automated calls to mobile phones from fraudsters claiming to be from Government and State Agencies.

In recent days Gardaí have had reports of automated calls from numbers with 085 /087 prefixes purporting to be from the Department of Social Protection.

An automated message informs the recipient that their PPS number has been compromised and requests them to Press 1 to speak with an investigator or official. The caller is then asked to provide personal data.

On receipt of these communications, the advice of An Garda Síochána is as follows:
• Do not engage with the caller.
• Do not follow the automated instructions – Do not press 1 etc.
• Never disclose personal or financial information.
• Hang up and end the call.
• Do not return the call.

Gardaí are urging the public to spread the word of fraud prevention as people continue to fall victim to scams on a daily basis.

If you believe you have fallen victim to this scam report the matter at your local Garda Station. Always keep your personal information safe and be fraud aware.