‘Paralysed with Fear’ – how to order
How to order ‘Paralysed with Fear’ by Gareth Williams
‘Paralysed with Fear’ is the story of Polio by Professor Gareth Williams, who was our guest speaker at the recent Conference. Gareth’s talk will be on our website shortly for anyone who missed it.
If you would like to order a copy of the book, please contact the Jenner Museum’s manager, Owen, by emailing: events@edwardjenner.co.uk – specify paperback or hardback and if you’d like it signed and with what message. Gareth lives nearby and will happily oblige.
A note on the Jenner Museum
The Edward Jenner Museum is where Jenner discovered and wrote about vaccination, and laid the ground that led to the vaccines we have today, including the ones that have all but defeated polio.
Gareth says, ‘It’s a wonderful place, and a charity which is sadly running out of money and may have to close – which would be a terrible loss. Buying the book from them allows them to keep the bookseller’s share of the cost and so helps their fundraising.’
All Gareth’s royalties go to the British Polio Fellowship.
For more information on Dr Jenner, please see www.jennermuseum.com