June 07, 2018

Conference Speakers 2018

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Polio Survivors Ireland celebrated its 25th Anniversary at it’s recent conference in the Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, welcoming Minister for Disabilities, Finian McGrath as keynote speaker.

The Minister congratulated Polio Survivors Ireland on 25 years of providing valuable support to those living with the impact of polio, a disease long since eradicated from Ireland.

Also speaking was HSE Confidential Recipient, Leigh Gath, who is a disability activist and gave an inspiring speech on the importance of self-advocacy, encouraging attendees to always speak up regarding the issues they face.

Pictured are (L-R) Polio Survivors Ireland Chairperson, Pat McGillion, Minister Finian McGrath, Leigh Gath.

As many polio survivors have difficulty travelling, we are delighted to have been able to video the speakers so those who missed the Conference don’t miss out completely.  See below!